6 Ways to Stay Active and Lose Weight in London

There’s nothing quite like living in London. From the sights and sounds to the fascinating people and places of interest, there’s always something to do in the country’s capital.

However, in such a large bustling city, it’s easy to become complacent. And whether your goals are to tone up, lose a little weight, or pile on some muscle, every success story starts with a much smaller first step.

If you’re keen to start your exercise journey in London, here are 6 ways to make that initial first step to making it happen!

Take the Stairs and Avoid the Lift at Work

Small changes in your 9-5 work life will add up to huge differences in your health and appearance. Take the stairs as much as possible. Hop off the tube one stop early and walk the additional ten minutes to work. Try to get out during lunch and move around in the office. While it’s not always easy when you’re stressed out and swamped at work, it’s a huge potential mood booster.

Work Alongside a Personal Trainer

For the ultimate combination of staying active and achieving your weight loss goals in London, finding the perfect personal trainer is a surefire way to keep you on track. For example, the expert personal trainers at Ultimate Performance Kensington are dedicated to helping people change their lives with some of the world’s leading personal trainers.

Shun the Tube and Take a Nice Long Walk

If your London destination is walkable, why not start stepping off the tube lines and get stepping on the pavements instead? Not only will you enjoy some air and avoid the crowded bustle of the tube, but you’ll get some exercise at the same time!

Drink More Water Regularly

Drink Water Regularly

Staying hydrated is one of the most important parts of an active body, a sharp brain, and the ability to shed weight safely. When you drink lots of water as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, you’re working on all cylinders, giving your body all it needs to push harder, reach higher, and go that extra mile during a workout. Keeping a water bottle on hand is particularly important if you decide to go for a run in London.

Prioritise Your Sleep

Okay, let’s be honest. There aren’t too many peaceful areas in London. But while a city that’s so thriving never sleeps, you absolutely need to if you want to stay as healthy as possible. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Does it sound impossible? After a long day of walking around London, you’ll be shocked at how quickly your head hits the pillow!

Go to the Park and Make a Day of it

Living in London isn’t always easy in terms of space. But there’s always a big and spacious park to take advantage of if you’re looking to stay active and keep in shape. Bring a book, a healthy little lunch, and a big bottle of water, and make the most of one of life’s greatest joys - some time to yourself with a little exercise session in one of the city’s beautiful parks.

