One of the biggest things that people have reported missing in the wake of the global pandemic is travel. When the world shut down and people were no longer able to leave their homes, let alone travel to different countries, many citizens felt an immediate void.
Over one year later, with the world’s restrictions loosening, people are getting comfortable to travel again and visit the places they had always hoped to.
London is a top bucket list destination as one of the trendier cities, and central to many other must-see spots in the U.K.
The need for a holiday budget is not new, however, in the wake of COVID-19, your money may need to be allocated in ways that it previously did not. Many restaurants and shops have been forced to rearrange their pricing to accommodate for not only lost funds from the lockdowns but also increased costs from their suppliers.
Before you book your trip, think about how you will acquire the necessary funds to not only get to London but not feel like you have to miss out on anything once you arrive.
Some people choose to borrow funds from friends and family and allocate that money towards their vacation. If this is something that you would consider doing, it's a good idea to have a backup plan for how you are going to pay them back or it can become a financial burden. However, it is likely that you did not travel or vacation during the height of COVID in the same way you did before so potentially this repayment will not have a major impact on your personal budget each month.
To have a successful trip and leave feeling like you had a great time it is important that you set realistic expectations for yourself. Travel looks different now, everything from what to expect at the airport to the fact that you will probably need advance reservations for all your meals and excursions.
Instead of looking at this as something that takes away from your holiday, think of it as an exciting way to build up the anticipation. Researching restaurants and activities will give you something to look forward to in the days, months, or even years that lead up to your trip.
If you are visiting London from another country, it is important that you stay on top of the current rules and regulations regarding COVID protocols.
While these may change often and multiple times between when you book your trip and when you actually take it, you need to know what rules are in place so that your trip is not compromised for lack of compliance or by getting a fine.
Paying attention also gives you ample time to be sure that you have everything you need.
You will potentially need different things than a common packing list would contain. If there is specific documentation that you need or specific things to pack, knowing all of this in advance gives you time to get your affairs in order without feeling pressure from a ticking clock.
As with any trip the more last minuteness that you can eliminate the better. Travel can be stressful and you can save yourself a lot of angst by not procrastinating the essentials.