Homeless People in London

Like many major world cities, London has a huge homeless population. Homeless people lose their homes for a wide variety of reasons, but all of them just need one thing – help.

Homeless man in London

There are many different ways in which we are able to provide help to homeless people, and by learning more facts about homelessness in England and the United Kingdom, you’ll become more aware of the challenges and needs of the homeless population.

These are some of the best ways you can help the homeless, whether you are in London or elsewhere in the world. The number of people sleeping on the streets and struggling with hidden homelessness is staggering, so even the smallest contribution can help make a huge difference in someone’s life.


One of the best ways to help the homeless population is by donating, whether that’s making a monetary donation or providing gifts or belongings to people who are sleeping rough. You can make a one-off donation to a registered charity, such as Crisis, or you can even consider adding them to your will in the future.

Around Christmas time, you’ll see adverts online and in your local area for gift donations for the homeless. This is a great way to spread a bit of holiday cheer in your local area by donating a small gift or essential belongings that someone may need. Many supermarkets now have food banks set up, which help those struggling throughout the year to provide for themselves and their families.

Support your local hostel

Throughout London, you’ll find homeless shelters, temporary accommodations, and hostels that are always in need of any help they can get. Whether that’s through donating clothing and toiletries that are essential for anyone’s well-being when they are rough sleeping, or by volunteering your time to help them out, they’ll be appreciative of anything you can give.

Volunteering in London is such a worthwhile activity, and it’s an incredibly worthy experience. You’ll meet new people, and the face-to-face interactions you’ll have with the people staying there will be life-changing. You never know why someone has ended up living on the streets or is unable to afford their rent, and by hearing about people’s life stories, you’ll understand that hardship can fall on anyone at any point in their life.


Volunteers are vital for charities to continue running, especially during the holiday season. Many of them rely solely on volunteers to help the homeless, and with various venues to look after, it’s a big job for the staff at these charities.

Volunteers help the guests in these shelters feel safe and comfortable and support them in any way needed with homelessness assistance. No two days of volunteering will ever be the same, as one day you might be on the streets talking to members of the public, and the next day you could be helping serve soup for dinner.

No matter how much time you have to offer, there will be a volunteering opportunity for you, and even a couple of hours a week can make a massive difference.

Make others aware of rough sleepers

Sleeping on the street in London

If you pass the same spot every day on your way to and from work, you’ll probably get to recognize the same faces who are always on the streets. You may be wondering what you can do to help, but in order to help these individuals get the correct assistance and permanent accommodation, it’s best to contact your local authority or local services that deal with homeless people.

While it can be tempting to offer your assistance or accommodation, this is best left to the professionals and local authorities. Another way to find out some information about homelessness is to read articles written by professional writers because this knowledge can help spare someone's life.

Of course, most situations are best left to those who are used to dealing with these situations. They will know how best to handle matters for homeless people in England and provide them with the care they need.

Offer food and drink

While it’s normal to get asked for cash by a rough sleeper, the best thing you can do to help is to provide them with warm food and drink, especially on a cold winter’s night. While you may feel like it’s kind to donate your change, unfortunately, this can exasperate the issues these people are facing, and it may be spent on alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs.

Everyone needs food and drink to survive, so by providing a nutritious meal, you’ll be doing them a massive service. However, it’s important to be aware of the staggering statistics surrounding rough sleeping and drug or alcohol abuse.

Many individuals may simply be trying to escape an abusive relationship or a form of violence, and when you are trying to help, you don’t want to do anything to trigger further harm to someone suffering from homelessness.

Remember their four-legged companions

A homeless man and his dog

Many homeless also travel with their dogs, so next time you are looking to help out, consider buying a bag of dog food. Their dogs are so often forgotten, and they can be a hindrance when trying to find shelter for the night. No one wants to see an animal suffering, so do what you can to ensure their pet is also well-fed and watered.

A dog is a fantastic companion for someone living on the streets, and both of them will appreciate the care and attention given to their furry friend.

It’s important to remember that most individuals living on the streets never dreamed their lives would end up this way, and there are so many reasons for homelessness.

By showing compassion and donating your time or money in one of the ways listed above, together we can deal with everything that is thrown our way.

While it may only cost a little bit to you, or take only a couple of hours of your time when we all work together, we can cope with anything and help to make the world an easier place to live for everyone in it.
