Interesting Facts About Education In London

Great Britain is famous for quality education and every year attracts students by the thousands from across the globe.

British diplomas are considered to be of the highest prestige, and British universities take the leading position at the top of all educational rankings. One of the reasons for this is that England is renowned for its historical education system.

Old Naval College

Educational institutions across Britain uphold conservative traditions, while simultaneously rapidly adapting to contemporary changes and the realities of an ever-evolving modern world. Furthermore, students in Britain are taught to think for themselves and acquire skills, both academically and in the field of research.

So, here is everything you need to know about commencing your studies in London:

Assessment of Students' Knowledge Levels

UK universities have an extensive scientific base for training and teaching students. Despite the absence of strict requirements for practical classes, students' final works are subject to a rigorous quality check. It is of utmost importance that any work submitted is unique and not plagiarised material. 

Using a sizeable scientific base, students express their opinions, prove facts and propose new theories. Each piece undergoes a strict check for plagiarism. Many students do not have adequate writing skills and cannot write a perfect essay. It is not a problem in the modern world because every student can get help online, to be sure that their work will receive the highest score. It will also help improve writing and develop other skills.

Features of the London School System

The duration of education in England is 13 years. In London schools, the basis of assessment is on a 7-point scale (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). Students in the final classes choose their subjects. British schools also have specialist consultants who monitor children from an early age. They reveal the student's inclinations toward a specific type of activity and can help with the choice of subjects in senior classes.

Separate schools for boys and girls are popular in London. London's schools are a complex that includes a library, a laboratory, a radio station, an editorial office, and a gymnasium. British schools are divided into public educational institutions and private boarding schools, which are in demand among students from abroad.

The System of Higher Education in England

As with schools, British universities are public and private. International students can study at any university, but they are required to pay tuition regardless of the type of institution. Higher education in London is divided into several levels:

- Preparatory programs (Foundation or International Year One);

- bachelor's degree;

- magistracy;

- Postgraduate education;

Student In London

Differences in the British System of Higher Education

Great Britain's higher education system has been developed for centuries. Unlike other countries, British universities have separate campuses. They are closed and independent of the rest of the world. On the territory of universities, there is all the necessary infrastructure for life including:

- entertainment facilities;

- libraries, shops;

- ATMs;

- post offices;

- museums;

- sports halls; 

- canteens;

- cafes.

Many universities in England are located far outside the borders of settlements. Their infrastructure fully supports students' lives and therefore does not require additional resources from the outside world. Such remote university settlements are called rural campuses.

Student Leisure Time

British universities pay great attention to the personal development of students and the organization of leisure time. Almost any kind of sport can be practised on the territory of universities. Within the framework of the university, regular competitions between teams in certain sports are held.

Most students are members of any union or society of interest. Activities of clubs can be carried out both within the framework of the university and at the regional level. Membership in the club gives the right to receive benefits for meals, travel in transport, or leisure activities. This way, teens can enjoy their student life.

Relations with Teachers

Equal relationships between students and teachers characterize the British higher education system. Teachers do not force or educate their students. They act as advisers and friends and recognize students' rights to independence. It’s one of the important reasons why British education is high quality and encourages many students. In turn, students have the right to decide how to build their educational process independently. Drawing up a class schedule is a personal concern of each student. Classes take place in an accessible form. They allow conversations on various topics and form the ability to think and defend one's position.

Great Britain is one of the most popular countries for higher education. Applicants from all over the world seek to enter the walls of London universities. Such students want to be influenced by historical values ​​and English culture. The British education system is unique, and the quality of the knowledge gained is unmatched by any education system in the world. 

There are many positive facts about education in England. Students will be able to acquire high-quality professional skills. They will contribute to forming an independent personality. Studying in such universities provides general development and the manifestation of responsibility. Many political figures, managers of leading companies, government officials, and diplomats are among the graduates of English universities.
