Places You Can Spend Bitcoin in London

Are you planning to travel to London with your loved ones or on a business trip and worried and want to spend cryptocurrencies? Then, you can find a list of offline places that accept digital currencies here.

Travelling With Crypto: Offline Places to Spend Bitcoin in London

 Places You Can Spend Bitcoin in London

One of the great advantages of cryptocurrency is that you can access it anywhere via exchange platforms or crypto brokers. You have to be careful and ensure you are working with a trusted person or platform. With the right platform, you can trade and stay updated with different prices like Bitcoin price.

However, it is common knowledge that cryptocurrency can only be used online, which is why it is referred to as a digital currency. The cryptocurrency market is no longer limited to the internet. With Ethereum and others like it, you can pay for goods and services offline.

Several offline shops and marketplaces in London allow users to pay for products and services in cryptocurrencies. So, when you buy Ethereum online, you can spend it in any of these places.

Black Cab

Some taxi services in London accept cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum for payment of products and services. One of such is the Black Cab taxi service. Black cabs are a popular means of transportation in London.

The number one way to travel by cab as a Bitcoin enthusiast in London is through the Bitcoin Black cab. A Bitcoin Black Cab is a black cab driver that accepts Bitcoin as payment for his services.

The Old Shoreditch Station

Do you want to drink a cup of coffee or any other beverage while in London? Then, the Old Shoreditch Station is the place to go. It is located at a decommissioned train station in London. This place never runs out of services at night or noon, and most of the services can be paid for with digital currencies. While at this station, you can enjoy any of the other products available other than beverages.


If you are a tourist or came in for a business in London, you may consider lodging at a hotel. If you only have cryptocurrency to spend, check out Clink78. It is a friendly, classy hotel that combines Victorian architecture with modern design, making it comfortable. And if you need to buy Ethereum or Bitcoin, that option is also available at this hotel.

Philipp Plein

Philipp Plein is one of London's most popular fashion companies, and you should have no trouble finding it. It became the first fashion company to accept payments in over a dozen cryptocurrencies. Get to your crypto wallet, find out the current Bitcoin price (or whichever platform you use) and take yourself out on a shopping spree!

Whole Foods

Is there someone in London who goes shopping for groceries regularly and doesn’t know Whole Foods? Perhaps only a few of such exist in London. Whole Foods became one of the first big retailers to accept cryptocurrency as payment back in 2009 for items the company offers. It is a great place to spend your Ethereum while shopping for your favourite food items.


Microsoft has been accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as far back as 2014. It accepts cryptocurrency as payments for games, apps, and other digital content. You can work into any Microsoft office in London and purchase items paying in digital currencies.

It is no surprise that Microsoft accepts Bitcoin payments as its founder openly supports cryptocurrencies and sees them as the future of money.


Etsy does not have a platform for accepting Bitcoin or Ethereum as payments as yet. However, it gives its offline merchants the freedom to accept crypto payments in their shops. As such, you can walk into any Etsy outlet in London and spend your Bitcoin or Ethereum like you would spend a physical currency.

If you are afraid of becoming stranded in London because you don’t have the fiat currency, you don’t have to be. London is home to Bitcoin users, and several businesses allow you to pay in virtual currencies.

As cryptocurrencies continue to gain widespread acceptance, our general way of living is improving. You don’t have to walk around with cash, provided you have a digital wallet loaded with coins.
