5 Reasons Why a Roof Rack is a Must on a Road Trip

A road trip with friends is the perfect pick-me-up after a particularly tiring week in the busy capital. It’s exhilarating to inhale the pure fresh air and blend in with the natural scenery beyond the City of London.

Roof rack

But in all the rush to get outdoors, we sometimes forget to think about the car itself. We meticulously pack our bags and throw in snacks, camping gear, and outdoor equipment. But then all that gear inside means less space for the people, making the journey tiresome instead of exciting.

There is a simple solution to this - a roof rack. It is, as aptly named, a roof of bars to mount your luggage. Imagine the free space you can enjoy inside your car! And it’s not just for additional space that we like about the roof rack so much. There’s more.

Roof Racks for Safe Journeys

Picture this. You’re making your way uphill through winding roads, and suddenly you feel those oversized suitcases stuffed in the rear seat toppling. Like a pack of cards ready to leave a trail of mess inside. Not to mention the possibility of injuring someone. Will you concentrate on the road ahead? Or scream instructions to the people at the back? Drivers need to be seated in the correct position to avoid injury. Not just that, this study shows that drivers with their chests closer to the steering wheel were more likely to suffer head injuries in the event of a collision. These studies prove that driver position is critical for overall safety.

This is why you need the roof rack. All you have to do is stack your luggage on the roof rack and forget all about it. Products like the Land Rover roof rack and Discovery roof rack offer both safety and rigidity for long drives.

Space for More Fun

Biking, hiking, kayaking, or any sport means heavy equipment. A roof rack helps you move these items quickly. You don’t have to worry about folding your rear seats to accommodate your tools. What’s more? You can choose from a variety of roof racks available and even customize them to suit your needs. Some of these even come with security features that let you lock your gear in place. You don’t have to worry about manoeuvring dangerous roads with this lock and even step out for a road snack without worrying about anyone tampering with your stuff.

A roof rack expands the scope of your holiday. If you are heading to a quiet hill station for a calm few days, all you have to do is strap on a few bikes on the rack. Reach your destination and explore the place with the bikes that you safely and securely transported.

More Legroom for Folks

A road trip is not fun if you have to swap places with an ugly overstuffed suitcase or share your legroom with a toiletry bag that keeps tumbling at all turns. Moving your luggage smartly to a dedicated roof rack will keep the mood high inside the car. People will tend to indulge in games or even catch a quick nap without any bag or case bothering them.

While dumping luggage inside might seem like you’re just sacrificing a bit of room, it can make the trip worse. Not having enough legroom can lead to body pain. This can make occupants feel suffocated, which is not what they signed up for!

Camping trip

A Cleaner Car on Your Return

Need we tell you the mess that comes along with used tents, bikes, and whatnot? The last thing you need on your return, apart from the blues of heading back to the usual routine, is a dirty, damp, or smelly car. A roof rack allows you to tuck all the soiled equipment away from the plush interiors of your car. And you would not have to spend a fortune trying to clean up the mess.

When travelling with children or elderly parents, it’s best to give enough room for fresh air and legroom on your return journey. A cranky journey back can ruin the purpose of the long trip you just ventured on.

Variety of Options for Varying Conditions

Roof racks come in varying sizes, colours, and designs. All you have to do is identify the kind of travel you are looking for - whether it is a cruising kind, adventure kind, or camping kind, and fit the roof rack that suits your purpose.  They all come with associated parts that can be easily fitted to any popular car in the market.

Another advantage of the rook rack is the protection it offers under extreme weather conditions. While it might be far-fetched to say it can help your car withstand extreme weather conditions, it’s probably safe to claim that it can provide some protection, maybe during heavy rainfall when it can act as an overhang.

Did you know that American drivers engage in distraction activities more than 50% of the time while driving? While there could be different reasons for this, it is important to realize that driving needs to be hassle-free. If you’re looking to invest in accessories for your car, then a roof rack is a perfect place to start. Not just for the aesthetic appeal but also for the many advantages it offers your car and your family.

