Things you can Learn Only in London

Things you can Learn Only in London

Some people decide to migrate to London to work or to studySuch a milestone event in their life changes their imagination of themselves, work, education, other people, and life in general. Moreover, living in London, you learn some things that no other city can teach you. So let’s see what such things are. 

Fast Rhythm of Life

The fast-paced lifestyle is the first thing that you learn living in this city. Each person is in a hurry, and all people have their tasks to do as soon as possible.

Such a fact is daunting at first because you may often feel like you can’t cope with all your tasks as quickly as other people here do. But as time goes by, you get used to it and start reading faster, cooking faster, walking faster, working smarter and the list goes on. For example, it isn’t a problem for you to explore websites while travelling on a London bus

Also, at first, being in a hurry exhausts you, and by the evening, you’re often falling off your feet, especially if you like to fit in some daily exercise, such as going for a run. But the more you live in London, the more you like this fast rhythm of life, and you can’t imagine your life without being in a hurry and thinking about your productivity. 

Being Polite Is a Necessity

As we know, Britain is famous for its people’s politeness. So such a character trait is necessary for you to avoid strident actions when talking to different people.

The fact is that London is a cosmopolitan city where you meet different cultures. Being in this metropolis, you have to interact with people who have controversial opinions and different outlooks on life. So try not to offend them, rather be polite and understanding. 

We can learn from the locals how to be polite as they have been living all their lives in such a metropolis. Therefore, many people know how to interact with people related to different cultures. 

So it’s a good idea to watch how the locals talk to each other and analyze their behaviour. 

Relying on Public Transport is Useless

London Underground

If you don’t have your own transport, you probably turn to a public one. But the bad news is that there is no point in relying on taxis and buses for public transport in London. This is because of heavy traffic all the time. Constant red signals, delays, planned engineering works, and all that jazz, it’s a common situation in London. Therefore, when you’re in a hurry, don’t worry because it’s possibly acceptable that you’ll be late. 

As a result, you’ll spend a lot of time on the road if you can't travel on the Tube. It’s a good idea to read a book or solve some working problems by communicating with your colleagues on apps like Facebook Messenger. 

In addition, if your destination isn’t far from you, it’s better to get to it on foot rather than try to fit in a cramped tube train carriage during rush hour.

Managing Your Budget Is a Mandatory Skill

London is a very expensive city, even some might say overpriced. Especially when it comes to renting, the larger part of your salary will go to paying for your housing. Add taxes and daily expenses such as transportation, shopping, and buying food, the result will be a high monthly bill.

So when living in London, you’ll have to think every day about how to save your money and which product is more beneficial for you when shopping

Believing Weather Forecasts Is Vain

London is famous for its unpredictable weather. Therefore, there is no point in watching the forecasts. This is because one minute the sun might be cracking the flags, and after ten minutes, there is cloudy and windy weather. So you always should keep two things with you:

  1. Hoodie or a waterproof jacket.
  2. Umbrella (or a baseball cap to at least keep your head dry).

Take them everywhere you go to avoid freezing when it’s windy or getting wet when the rain starts. 

Walking in Parks Is Incredible

Living in a metropolis requires constant being in a hurry. Therefore, sometimes you get tired and want to get rid of stress and forget about the rat race. The good news is that London is full of parks, and walking in them, you realize they’re incredible, and start putting the greatest store by being with nature. 

Hence, find the London parks on Google Maps and go to them. Visit them and feel the vibe of each place with its natural beauty. 

So you’ve learned about some things that only London can teach you. Of course, such a list could go on, and people have their take on things that can be added to it. But all in all, people living in London realise that it’s one of the best cities in the world.

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