How Can Londoners Ensure They Stay In Good Health?

Everybody can follow some general rules regarding staying in good health; eating well, getting plenty of exercise, and so forth. However, where you live can also influence your approach to these things.

Londoners, in particular, face a unique set of challenges. For example, the NHS in the area is managing to reduce waiting times, but there are still pressures the institution needs to deal with. Even private clinics can be overstretched too.

Of course, London has various other concerns when it comes to health too. However, instead of only focusing on the doom and gloom, we’ll try to provide you with real solutions to London-centric health-related challenges.

So, here are some tips for staying in good health in London.

Use Other Health Services Where Appropriate

You should always consult qualified health professionals for any concerns you might have. Your immediate well-being is the priority, so let’s start there.

We can use a potential blood test in London as an example. Local GPs and private clinics can be inundated with hefty wait times in this area, so it may be worth seeking support from an alternative source. Fortunately, experts out there provide convenient walk-in services, aiming to eliminate the hassle that can be felt by booking and waiting for test appointments elsewhere.

That’s the help Bioma provides, removing the need for you to endlessly Google’ blood test near me’ when looking for help. All of their results regarding the most common and popular blood tests are fast and accurate, and they can oversee mesterolone tests, hormone tests for males and females, and more without delay. Their quick turnaround laboratory is credited with these rapid results, so you can be confident you’re getting attentive care.

It’s worth applying these principles to other aspects of your health. After all, what’s more, important in your life than your well-being? If you find that one service isn’t coming through for you, there can always be another. Research these entities, ensure they’re credible and reputable, and then engage.

Enjoy Cycling

We’ve already touched on how important exercise is for staying healthy. It’s not a novel idea, but things like cycling could help with these broader aims – especially in London.

For instance, in 2020, cycling gained a huge surge in popularity in London, with new training modules and cycle lanes being established and offered to the masses. Even if you’re new to the pastime, you can seamlessly get active this way and perhaps even consider commuting to your workplace or local shops instead of driving.

Many of these measures were part of the Streetspace for London programme and aimed to give the capital stronger green credentials. By partaking, you’d be contributing to making the air cleaner to breathe around you, a problem London has long had with all of its emissions output. There’s validity to these efforts on multiple fronts, so cycling could be a great way to cover multiple bases regarding your health and that of other Londoners too!

It’s worth noting that a degree of care is required when cycling in London. Though there are dedicated cycle lanes, it’s a busy place, and people driving aren’t always the friendliest. Cycling in London is very doable and mostly safe if you’re responsible, but the previously mentioned training is there for a reason, so try to keep your wits and cycling skills sharp to mitigate the chances of an accident.

Mark Healthy Restaurants

London is full of eateries, as you’re no doubt aware. Some will have more promising health initiatives than others.

Why not make a note of such establishments? Instead of selecting new restaurants to try randomly, targeting those especially keen to look after their customers is a better idea. There’s Itakadi Zen, a place specialising in vegan, organic, and Japanese food, and Mallow, a 100% plant-based eatery serving all three meals of the day near Borough Market. Mix things up and try different things at your leisure.

Of course, there’s also the point to be made that eating in London can be very expensive. While this doesn’t need to be an effort you undertake every day, if you have plans to eat out, a slither of extra effort to find somewhere that offers healthy and tasty food is highly recommended.

It’s also true that you can simply feel better after eating well too. Even if you’re not sitting in these restaurants daily, enjoying these establishments once a week or just fortnightly can add an extra dimension to your London-centric health initiative.

Reevaluate Nightlife Dynamics

New York City is often referred to as ‘the city that never sleeps’, but London is sometimes associated with this notion. Articles from 2016 note how there could be some overlap, so these comparisons aren’t entirely unfounded.

Therefore, it could be worth reevaluating how you engage with nightlife. After all, there are plenty of thrilling things to do in London once night falls; there are clubs, world-famous music venues, theatres, and a smattering of other entertainment options tucked away in the capital. There’s never really a time in the 24-hour period where there’s nothing you could be doing.

As far as your health is concerned, things get dicey if you’re constantly out enjoying London and seldom taking a breather. A good night’s sleep is vital for your overall health and well-being. By all means, enjoy everything London has to offer, but pace yourself and schedule plenty of time for self-care.

Talk to Your Employers

London bosses used to be almost faceless figures who cared not a jot for worker well-being. By today’s standards, they must be far more involved in their workers’ lives.

A review launched earlier this year showed that more needed to be done for people in the capital regarding their well-being. The report showed that many of the health concerns of Londoners were exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis. Some of the solutions outlined in the report included local employers providing various childcare support strategies and helping employees access debt help and legal advice services. Paying the London Living Wage to all employees and contractors was also recommended.

London might seem like a city full of rich high flyers, but many people working in the capital are commuters, generally flying by the seat of their pants. Problems at work or with any financial situation can also cause stress and grief. So, if you’re a Londoner who’s in this type of situation yourself, flagging your struggles with your employer might be a good idea.

These types of discussions need to be navigated with tact. Venting frustrations rudely will likely worsen your situation. That said, your boss will likely know if there are reasons you should be concerned about things, especially with multi-sector protests over pay now taking place. Even if agreements take a while to come together, at least some dialogue must happen so that everybody knows each other’s positions and circumstances. 

London often gets a bad rap when it comes to health risks. That said, if you’re prepared to adopt a few lifestyle changes, you can easily nurture your well-being in the capital. Those running the show seem to be warier of their obligations, too, and health organisations also seem to be putting concrete measures in place. Employers also have a role to play, which is a fact that’s being championed more. There’s a community approach to well-being here, and that’s worth celebrating!
